What Everyone Ought to Know About The Structure of the Universe
Since man started to reflect, I imagine him first developing tools used to survive the grim surroundings, then securing shelter, clothing and food. After those primal tasks, after finding security within a cave or by an open fire in the wilderness, he must have looked up at the sky at night and wondered about the moon and the stars. Since knowing what planets and suns are wasn’t accessible information at that time, theories were created about what they were. Were the stars the eyes of the gods? Were they perhaps little nails that held up the roof of the sky? They must have wondered. With theorizing about what they wondered, they perhaps discovered a little about the Universe, but a greater truth about themselves.
I still wonder. Knowing what I know today, I believe I’m just as far away from knowing what the universe truly is. There are two popular theories in the modern world that seem to predetermine what kind of person we are. There is one that believes the world was created by a divine being, God. Some of those believe however differently about how God created the world. Some think it happened six thousand years ago and consider all scientific believes to the contrary to be hashwash, but others believe that God was the mind or structure behind the world that actually developed.
There are others who believe there is no God who created the Universe. That we are alone. Laws of nature took the greatest part in this development. Accidents and coincidences happen without being preordained. Everything becomes from matter and becomes what it becomes due to its environment.
Does there have to be a mind that creates everything that happens to be beautiful in this world?
I don’t think so.
Could we interpret the world as something beautiful that must have been created by a greater power?
Do humans have the tendency to personify everything in order to grasp a deeper understanding of themselves and the universe?
All the myths that have been created in order to explain what used to be unexplainable suggests that we need to grasp on a familiar level the reasons for every single force of nature. Every single accident needs to be explained as something with a cause. Not everyone is satisfied with natural causes. There must be something divine about things we can’t grasp.
Today, the Big Bang theory seems to be what the majority who sustains from mythology holds to be true regarding the creation of the Universe. However, the Big Bang theory is in my opinion just another myth, it’s just more believable to the modern mind since it hasn’t been personalized. It may well be that the Universe is expanding from a central point, but it could also be that this central point isn’t the point of creation. What if we are just participating in an instant of the universe’s heartbeat?
From these reflections we may draw a little conclusion.
What everyone ought to know about the structure of the universe is that it’s based on our own believes. Facts and knowledge about the universe are secondary to the interpretation of each person towards what the universe actually is. Belief systems are created in order to make sense of the universe. Belief systems are simpler to understand than pure knowledge. Knowledge is hard to come by, it requires deep thought and a will to wonder and reflect. Nobody can do it for you. Believes may be manufactured, produced for the masses. Knowledge is an individual discovery.
This may sound arrogant to those who believe and don’t have time to wonder.
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